The Castners 2007

The Castners 2007

Friday, November 13, 2009

Back home -- on the road to, well, something

Sorry to everyone that was anxiously waiting our updates when we returned home. It's funny to realize just how little time I have to myself. I've tried to blog a few times , I really have, but it seems like there is always something cropping up (like a preschooler that thinks he can help me type -- "no mommy, I really can"). It took of a couple of days to re-acclimate to our home time zone. My parents brought Liam back from Arizona and then spent a few days here before flying home. What a blessing to have so much family willing to help -- and I think it took them all to keep up with Liam.

Last year it took around 2 to 3 months before we noticed anything new or at least before Dave was ready to admit that something was happening. So, we fully anticipated have to do the same updates as last year, "no, nothing new, but it could take a while", every other day when someone asked. I always feel a little defensive when people ask these questions. I really want to tell them something spectacular, like "this morning he got out of bed and forgot to use his wheelchair. he was half-way to the bathroom before he realized it" or even more simply, "his butt started to itch . . . and he could feel it!" Unfortunately, it's usually just something small and I have to try to explain it in a big way. Then, there's always the disclaimer -- "even if something does come back, the muscles haven't been used in sooooo long . . . " You get the idea.

Well, this year I know most of you understand that there is some waiting time and I really haven't been asked about his progress much. We arrived home and like I said, took a few days to re-adjust. Then we had the Halloween festivities. We invited some of the neighbors and their kids over for pre-trick or treat pizza and then the Dad's (and Melissa) took the kids out. I have to say, I was a little disappointed that it was the Dad's turn to take the kids while the Mom's handed out candy. . . then I remembered the best part of staying home . . . hot cider with Amaretto! Aaaah, we should really do this more often. Liam had a lot of fun as a pirate -- "trick aarrgghh treat" has been heard over, and over, and over for the last couple of weeks.

Dave got back to Physical therapy the following week. His parents stopped by on their way south for the winter and accompanied him on his appointments. I almost felt like reminding them before they left, not to expect too much . . . you know how parents can be, over-reaching and all . . . I'm glad I didn't though. I have learned over the years that I don't look particularly good with "egg on my face", nor do I handle being wrong very well (Dave is vigorously shaking his head to the affirmative -- "stop, you'll hurt yourself"). His first appointment after the procedure and already he noticed that tasks & excercises that were difficult to perform before were suddenly simply -- easy even. He has continued with therapy, 3 - 1 hour sessions a week, and is continuing to improve. . .

I thought about asking "will the miracles never cease?", but I realized -- no, they won't -- we have been living by our family motto -- "Faith is not beleiving that God can, it is knowing that he will" -- for nearly 3 years and now we can serve as a visualization to that faith!

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